Commissioning of Phase 2 at Atocha-Guadalajara section

On May 6th Enyse commissioned the new EiS23 electronic interlockings at the stations of Vallecas and Bifurcación Rebolledo, including the blocks between Villaverde Bajo and Bifurcación Rebolledo, Santa Catalina and Bifurcación Rebolledo, Bifurcación Rebolledo and Vallecas, Vallecas and Atocha Cercanías and Vallecas and Vicálvaro Cercanías. These new interlocking join the ones already installed at the stations of Coslada and Vicálvaro Cercanías during the previous Phase 1, which allowed the double sense circulation at the four tracks of the Vallecas-Vicálvaro section. It also allowed the connection with Enyse’s EiS23 interlocking at Vicálvaro Mercancías, the other expanding railway hub in the area under the direction of Adif.
The works carried out throughout the weekend included the replacement of the existing 50 Hz track circuits by new audio frequency JTCs at the sections Atocha-Vallecas-Bifurcación Rebolledo and Vallecas-Vicálvaro Cercanías, as well as its integration in Chamartín’s CTC. This second phase of the project completes the West end of the upgrade of the Signalling and Telecommunications systems of the Atocha Cercanías-Guadalajara. The contract now moves on to the Northeast, where it will link with the section between Guadalajara and Ariza.
Possessions were scheduled and prepared with weeks of anticipation and profited from the May 2nd festivity, thus avoiding any interruption to the commuter service in the Henarres Corridor, the busiest section of the Madrid railway network. From Enyse we want to thank yet again, with particular intent given the complexity of the project, to the permanent availability and professional effort of the areas of Adif involving Project Management, Technical Assistance and Maintenance Department.