Vigo-Redondela section awarded

Adif has signed a contract with the Enyse/Telice JV for the upgrade of the Signalling system affected by the renovation works of the track and infrastructure of the Vigo – Redondela section, including the construction of a new bypass between the L810 and L824 lines. The project includes the adaptation of the safety installations for the upcoming electrification of the section, which runs parallel to the Vigo coast, in the Galician province of Pontevedra, in Northwest Spain. The scope of the Works affects several broad-gauge lines in the sections below.
- Line L812: Vigo Guixar – Bifurcación Chapela.
- Line L810: Bifurcación Chapela-Redondela.
- Line L824: Redondela – Bifurcación Redondela.
- Upcoming L810 to L824 bypass at Redondela.
All sections are equipped with wayside signalling and conventional ASFA, electrified at 3kV DC, except the Bifurcación Redondela – Bifurcación Arcade section, using 25kV AC and transitioning to Level 1 ETCS. All sections will be controlled by the CTC at Ourense.
Works will be carried out without affecting the railway services or the safety at the 17 provisional phases for the transition to the foreseen final solution. The only operational cuts will take place at the weekends for the installation of the new turnouts. To that effect, new EiS23 electronic interlockings will be installed at the Vigo Guixar and Bifurcación Chapela stations. The existing blocks will also be adapted, including the one with Louredo Valos. At the Vigo Guixar terminal, new immune audio-frequency track circuits will be installed using reduction-factor cables in order to make the installations compatible with the future electrification system.
Point machines and wayside signalling will also be renovated, using Enyse’s LED technology, thus providing the entire Vigo-Tui section with homogeneous technology. Telecommunication systems, both fixed and mobile, will also be installed along with the requested power supply and technical buildings. Auxiliary surveillance and access control systems will also be part of the scope, with integration at Adif’s Video Content Analysis and Auxiliary Detection Systems in the city of León.