CCTV & Telecoms for FGV’s Rolling Stock and Depots

An Enyse/Etra/Emurtel consortium has been awarded with the contract for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the CCTV and Telecom systems serving the Digitalization of the Rolling Stock and Depots of the tramway network of Ferrocarriles de la Generalidad Valenciana, FGV. The contract includes also the specific engineering activities needed for the installation of the system, which will be tailored for all trains of each series of FGV’s fleet, which have been incorporated into revenue service since the reinstatement of the surface tramway in Spain back in 1994.
The goal of the contract is the upgrade and improvement of the telecommunication infrastructure of all tramway units on duty at FGV but also the technological standardization of all series. To that effect, a common CCTV platform will be installed, including video analysis functionality along LAN/WLAN/WAN networks. In this way, safety and reliability will be granted to the communications between the on-board
equipment and the systems and the Control Centre and the depots at Valencia and Alicante, unifying all system’s information.