Commissioning of the Signalling system of the Santander-Torrelavega section

In the early morning of August 27th, two days ahead of schedule – with the Through Test completed, enyse commissioned the new interlocking, block and Centralized Traffic Control of the new Signalling System at the Santander-Torrelavega section.
This single line section will be operated with an Automatic Block and CTC system, using in this first stage the existing field elements – managed thought the new EiS23 electronic interlocking located at the stations of Santander, Torrelavega, Renedo, Guarnizo, Boo and Muriedas. The block between Torrelavega and its collateral Corrales de Buelna station will also be managed through the EiS23. At later stages, the sections between Renedo – Guarnizo and Muriedas – Santander will be transformed from single to double line.
At Enyse we want to thank the support, cooperation and commitment of Adif and Ineco on this project through the Management of the Installations Programme and Norte’s Installations Management and Operation Management – many thanks to everyone for the extraordinary working environment.