Revenue Service for the last phase of the Guillarei-Tui contract.

As part of the upgrade of the Vigo-Tui section, this commissioning includes the exchange of the existing relay interlockings and blocks by the EiS23 electronic interlocking. The upgrade strengthens the connection with the Portuguese station of Valença do Minho as well as the development of the Atlantic Corridor, greatly improving the exploitation conditions of the entire section.
Enyse’s works have included the installation of the EiS23 interlocking in the stations of O Porriño and Louredo-Valos, as well as updating the stations of As Gándaras and Redondela, establishing new centralized automatic blocks managed by the Centralized Traffic Control Centre at Ourense.
EiS23 will now control all blocks of the sections as well as the Level Crossing within O Porriño station. Trackside equipment includes Enyse’s LED abatable wayside signals and state-of-the-art Axle Counter technology. This signalling solution provides technological homogeneity along the already commissioned sections of Guillarei-Tui and As Neves-Salvaterra-As Gándaras.
Associated to the electrification of the section, all these interventions add up to the goals set up by the “Sustainable Development Objectives”, chapters 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 11 (Cities and Sustainable Communities). The European Union is cofinancing this electrification through the “Connecting Europe” mechanism.
At Enyse we want to thank yet again all efforts and constant availability of Adif’s areas of Maintenance, Technical Assistance and Direction of Works.