Commissioning of the Sagunto – Caudiel Automatic Block

On December 3rd successful tests have been finalized on schedule for the Signalling System of the Sagunto – Caudiel line. The system includes Electronic Interlocking, Axle Counters and Centralized Traffic Control. The section will be operated under Automatic Block through the use of EiS23 equipment located at Estivella, Algar, Segorbe, Jérica and Navajas, plus the block interfaces at Caudiel and Sagunto.
At Enyse we want to truly recognize the commitment and management of Adif and Ineco on this project – thru the Management of the Installations Programme, the Execution Works Directorate and Valencia’s Installations Management and Maintenance Management. Many thanks to everyone for the great effort and the extraordinary working environment.
Enyse’s Signalling and Telecommunications contract at the Sagunto-Teruel section is part of an ambitious enhancement plan for the Cantabrian-Mediterranean corridor, which includes works for the railway’s track, stations and electrification system.