Revenue Service for the Guillarei-Tui section

The second phase of the new Signalling system for the Guillarei-Tui section was commissioned over the past weekend. Following the track layout upgrade of the As Gándaras station, three new interlockings entered Revenue Service at the stations of Salvaterra, Guillarei and Tui – controlling also the several blocks with their collateral stations. Tui includes the block with the Valença do Minho station across the border, controlled by Infraestruturas de Portugal, IP. The EiS23 electronic interlocking are in command of the new track equipment, including axle counters, point machines and Enyse’s multi-LED wayside signals – all integrated at the CTC in Ourense. We want to thank yet again INECO’s Project Management and Adif’s Maintenance Management people at Ourense, but also the great proactivity and cooperation of Infraestruturas de Portugal.