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Quality, environmental and prevention of occupational hazards policy

Enclavamientos y Señalización Ferroviaria ENYSE SLU believes that product and services quality, process efficiency, human and technological process, competitiveness, continuous increase on customer satisfaction and confidence, respect for the environment and improvement of worker’s safety and health are permanent and priority objectives for the Company.

ENYSE has as strategic objectives the sustained and profitable growth as an organization and the increase of its worldwide leading position when providing value added services and integrating technologies in infrastructures and systems for Transport, Environment and Energy, including Industrial Process Control and Communications.

For this reason, the Executive Board, as a fundamental part of its mission, assumes responsibility for the Management of Quality, Environment, and the Prevention of Occupational Risks, and, with the full participation of the executive managers and all of the Company’s personnel, commits to:

  • Maintaining and applying an Integrated Quality, Environmental, and Occupational Hazard Management System, in line with standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001, intended to:
    • Ensure compliance with requirements, increase customer satisfaction, and optimize processes and products,
    • Improve environmental performance,
    • Increase the employee’s security level and improve health and safety performance at work.
  • Promote a proactive improvement culture by managing the risks and opportunities consistent with the context and stakeholders of the organization.
  • Permanently improving the effectiveness of the Management System in place, applying specific actions after analyzing customer opinions and the information gathered in audits, in process and product controls and in regular reviews.
  • Comply with applicable legislation and regulations, and with other requirements that the organization accepts or that are appropriate to the relevant clients and stakeholders.
  • Determine the adequate means to guarantee effective internal and external communication and the awareness, information, and participation for all the employees.
  • Ensure the professional proficiency of all staff by providing training and other appropriate activities.
  • Provide the required resources, infrastructure, and human resources to ensure compliance with the requirements, environmental control, and protection of the safety and health of the employees.
  • Plan and monitor different processes to fully comply with requirements and draw on the best possible practices, adopting measures to prevent pollution and damage and health deterioration.
  • Engage suppliers in the active commitment to improve quality, environmental protection, and the prevention of occupational hazards.

ENYSE executive board is confident that everyone at the Company understands the importance of the above mentioned commitments, assumes them and incorporates them to their work, being part of the general and daily management.