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Maintenance contract with EFE in Chile

Maintenance contract with EFE in Chile

EFE has awarded a two-year contract for the levels 2&3 maintenance services of the Signalling and Telecommunication systems. The aim is to grant a safe and efficient railway traffic in the sectors

  • Buin – Chillán
  • Hualqui – Talcahuano
  • Concepción – Coronel

The scope of the contract is mainly built around the ENYSIC CTC located at the city of Concepción, which is responsible of the railway traffic in the sections Hualqui-Talcahuano and Concepción-Coronel. The maintenance bases are placed in the cities of Rancagua, Talca and Concepción.

The associated works include both preventive and corrective maintenance, levels 2 and 3, of the main S&T subsystems, including Electronic Interlockings, Level Crossings and CTC. Works are planned according to EFE’s Reference Yearly Maintenance Plan, PMAR in the Spanish acronym, which is adjusted on a monthly basis, according to the operational needs of the railway. Attending incidences is included in the service.