Marchamalo logistic terminal
The Port Authority of Tarragona is carrying on with the works for the new intermodal railway terminal of Puerto Centro de Guadalajara/Marchamalo. The solution for the Signalling and Telecommunication systems relates to the integration of this new terminal with the existing Adif facilities at Guadalajara. The starting point of the works concerns the execution of […]
Read more27.06.2024
Palencia South end
Within the frame of the construction of the new double track platform for the High-Speed Line, an upgrade is taking place for the two conventional lines accessing the South end of the city of Palencia. To that end, Adif has contracted Enyse the works related to the affected Signalling and Telecommunication systems. In order to […]
Read more23.05.2024
Commissioning of Phase 2 at Atocha-Guadalajara section
On May 6th Enyse commissioned the new EiS23 electronic interlockings at the stations of Vallecas and Bifurcación Rebolledo, including the blocks between Villaverde Bajo and Bifurcación Rebolledo, Santa Catalina and Bifurcación Rebolledo, Bifurcación Rebolledo and Vallecas, Vallecas and Atocha Cercanías and Vallecas and Vicálvaro Cercanías. These new interlocking join the ones already installed at the […]
Read more05.04.2024
New Alcalá de Guadaíra tramway
The ENYSE/SYNEOX/MAGTEL Joint Venture has been awarded with the contract for railway systems including Signalling and Telecommunications for the new tramway line connecting the city of Alcalá de Guadaíra with Line 1 of Seville’s metro network. The Project will develop a double track, electrified tramway line of approximately 12.5 km running through the municipalities of […]
Read more04.03.2024
Revenue Service for the last phase of the Guillarei-Tui contract.
As part of the upgrade of the Vigo-Tui section, this commissioning includes the exchange of the existing relay interlockings and blocks by the EiS23 electronic interlocking. The upgrade strengthens the connection with the Portuguese station of Valença do Minho as well as the development of the Atlantic Corridor, greatly improving the exploitation conditions of the […]
Read more01.02.2024
CCTV & Telecoms for FGV’s Rolling Stock and Depots
An Enyse/Etra/Emurtel consortium has been awarded with the contract for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the CCTV and Telecom systems serving the Digitalization of the Rolling Stock and Depots of the tramway network of Ferrocarriles de la Generalidad Valenciana, FGV. The contract includes also the specific engineering activities needed for the installation of […]
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